Other Programs Menu - Under Construction

As explanations of functions, features, and options are added, links will be provided below the image of the Other Programs menu. There will be some functions that we will finish sometime in the future. They will be noted below with "TBD." Others will show "Under Construction" if they are closer to being finished.

Main Menu of DAT-MAIL - Other Programs Menu

Other Programs Setup - TBD

Palletization - Other Programs > Palletization

Spoilage Tracking Utility - Under Construction

Postage Reports - TBD

IM Scanning > Export to Tagger - Using the DAT-MAIL/Tagger Interface - Export to Tagger

IM Scanning > View Scan Manager Requests Log - Under Construction

IM Scanning > Tagger Interface Setup - set up by Professional Services

IM Scanning > wbSCAN Setup - set up by Professional Services

PO! TMS Log Setup - TBD

Manage PMOD Shipments - Other Programs > Manage PMOD Shipments

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